Hey there, it’s your old pal Steve with an update. On stuff, and things.
So the quiet since my previous Substack posts is easily explained by the fact my wife and I bought a damn house, and we’ve been moving in and getting stuff set up, etc. If you’ve ever become a homeowner after years (and years and years) as a renter, you know what a joyous yet laborious process this can be.
The good news is that the biggest chunk of work will be completed tomorrow. I’ll then be able to change my focus to, you know, actual work and stuff. And mowing, too. (I have a big yard. It’s beautiful but a beast in the spring, especially.)
Here’s what’s next for True Crime Report: A podcast. I won’t say much about that for now, but it will focus on one unsolved crime and feature original research, original music, and possibly even my vocal performances. (I’ve written about this before but am too tired from household stuff to link that.)
That sounds like it has the potential to be awfully cheesy, but I promise it will make sense in context and will not be cheesy. Reminder: yours truly majored in music, with a concentration in voice. I’ve sung opera professionally from Knoxville through Atlanta to Massachusetts. I’ve got an encyclopedic knowledge of classical music that has mostly been useless in my writing career—until I rediscovered an opera singer’s unsolved murder (seriously, click the link) and found out his life and career were far more complicated than anyone knew at the time.
Stick with me. Shit’s happening.
Awesome! Looking forward to listening.
Can’t wait!